Services are on Sunday at 9 & 10:45a


Standing in the Gap For Our Kids

If I’m honest, Ezekial 22:30 scares me. God says, "I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.” 

This verse scares me, because what if that was us? I don’t want God to look down and see no one. I want God to look down at us and see an army of intercessors, people eager to stand in the gap.  As I think about this concept, I have committed to stand in the gap for OneLife’s kids.

I’m praying they would have a thirst to know God and dive deeper and deeper into His love.

I’m praying they will fall in love with Jesus and fall in love with His church.

I’m praying they would discover the unique call God has on their life. 

I’m praying that OneLife will be a place where kids watch their parents serve Jesus, and they develop a heart to serve Him, too. 

I’m praying church would not just be a spectator sport to them, but a movement bigger than themselves, a body where they know they belong.  

I’m praying that at the end of the day, we won’t be crossing our fingers, hoping faith stuck, but we will be commissioning them out to shine God’s love everywhere they go. 

I’m praying that they would use their one life in a way that lasts into eternity.

I’m praying that they would have that one moment with Jesus that will blow them away.

I’m praying that they would do anything for one person to encounter Jesus.

I’m standing in the gap for OneLife’s kids, will you stand with me?

Written By Danie Fradsen our Kids Pastor